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Offshore Injury Dispute Lawyers

Maritime Gangway Injuries min scaled

Offshore Drilling Leader

Diamond offshore serves as a leader in the worldwide offshore industry. They operate 24 rigs, including semisubmersibles, drillship and jack-up rigs. Their headquarters reside in Houston, Texas with offices and operations around the world. As a deep-water drilling contractor, Diamond Offshore employs thousands of workers in different locations. Sometimes those workers are placed in dangerous situations and suffer injuries as a result. The high skill and tough labor of working on rigs usually means higher pay than comparable jobs. Once an injury happens, workers can be left physically and financially troubled. Diamond Offshore and other maritime companies have certain maritime laws and guaranteed compensation they must follow. If you are injured on a rig and need guidance on your rights and what you deserve, please contact the experienced offshore injury dispute attorneys of Doyle Dennis Avery LLP to help you today

History of Success

Even though Diamond Offshore claims to operate “with respect for the lives we touch and the impact we make”, they have failed workers in the past. We have personal experience helping Diamond Offshore workers receive the compensation they deserve from an offshore injury dispute.  In one of our past claims, Willie David Williams received an $9.6 million jury award in Texas. The case is currently on appeal. No recovery has been received to date

Contact Our Team

Contact our Offshore Injury Dispute Lawyers if you were injured while working on a Diamond Offshore Rig. We have experience in handling legal disputes against the company and can help you. Our capable attorneys can explain the complicated process of a claim in simple terms. We can guide you and answer any questions you may have throughout the process

Edison Chouest Offshore Injury Disputes

Worldwide Deepwater Drilling Company Injuries

Edison Chouest Offshore (ECO)

 manages service and supply vessels for offshore operations in the Gulf of Mexico and around the world. The vessels provide transportation, construction, towing, research and other broad support to drilling operations. ECO runs shipyards located in Louisiana, Mississippi, Florida and Brazil. The vessels employ numerous levels of maritime workers in various positions. An offshore injury dispute against Edison Chouest requires experienced offshore injury attorneys like Doyle Dennis Avery LLP Trial Lawyers.

Gulf Coast Company under Maritime Law

Edison Chouest was founded in Louisiana and maintains corporate offices across the Gulf Coast, including Houston. Edison Chouest has grown to be one of the largest maritime service providers because of their acquisition of smaller companies. Many of Edison Chouest’s hard working employees started their careers with companies that ECO acquired. Unfortunately, numerous of their workers have sustained serious injuries on the job even though Edison Chouest “is committed to providing the best possible working conditions for all of our employees”. Offshore exploration and extraction has always been a dangerous business and Edison Chouest has failed to protect workers in the past.

In a past case against Edison Chouest, we represented an offshore worker after he suffered an electrocution while on a docked offshore supply vessel.  Working as a “rescue man” for a cleanup crew, he was shocked while trying to reset a light that had gone out.

We Can Help

If you suffer an injury while working aboard a vessel or in a shipyard owned or operated by Edison Chouest, please contact a qualified maritime attorney. From our combined decades of experience, Doyle Dennis Avery LLP can provide guidance for pursuing a successful offshore injury claim. We use our skills and experience to hold offshore companies accountable for failures of their duty to protect workers. Contact us today for a free consultation with a maritime injury attorney who understands the job and wants to help you get what you deserve

Kirby Corp Injury Disputes

Leader in Tank Barges and Tugboats

Kirby operates the largest fleet of inland and offshore tank barges in the United States. Kirby works from their Headquarters in Houston, Texas with offices and operations throughout the country. They transport bulk liquids such as oil and chemicals through rivers and ocean waterways of the country. Kirby also services diesel engines and provides products for the oil industry. Their deep involvement with the offshore injury means they employ thousands on American waterways. Whether working on the high seas, near the coast or in the rivers of America, Kirby employees work hard to support the maritime industry in dangerous and difficult jobs. Sometimes worker’s safety is given the concern it should have and worker’s suffer injuries as a result. If you suffer an injury while working for Kirby, you will need a qualified maritime attorney to give you the best chance at a successful outcome. The attorneys at Doyle Dennis Avery LLP Trial Lawyers have the ability to help you and your family overcome a tragic time in your lives. We understand the maritime industry and the difficulties workers face when they get injured on the job.

Kirby Worker Dispute Resolution

Kirby may claim to keep “safety first”, but their workers have been injured in dangerous situations in the past. One of our cases involved Kirby and our client, who suffered injuries while working on a tank barge off the coast of Alaska. During a transfer of cargo, our suffered injuries to his neck, back and shoulder.  We were able to obtain a successful result for our client.

Contact Our Firm

From our experience in dealing with maritime companies we know the difficulties workers can face in resolving injury disputes. Contact our firm to have a skillful maritime injury attorney review your case and provide you with guidance. While the process may be complex and confusing, our attorneys have vast experience and can use it to help you

Chet Morrison

Marine Contractors

Chet Morrison provides marine contracting, maintenance and abandonment services for oil and gas projects around the world. From their headquarters in Houma, Louisiana, they also provide numerous other contracting services to aid the offshore oil and gas industry. With the large amount of services offered to the offshore industry, their employees sometimes encounter dangerous situations which can result in injuries and even death. If you or a loved one are injured or killed while working on a Chet Morrison project you will want an experienced maritime attorney to handle your claim. The attorneys at Doyle Dennis Avery LLP Trial Lawyers know what it takes to receive just compensation after a work accident and can help you.

Helping Injured Workers Receive Compensation

Chet Morrison may be dedicated to safety, but their workers have been injured and in some cases even killed in the past. After an explosion aboard a dive boat in the Gulf, our firm represented 2 injured workers in their pursuit of compensation. The injured workers trusted our knowledge and abilities to offer them excellent legal service. With this trust we were able to procure settlements for our clients that helped them recover both financially and physically.

Trusted Admiralty Injury Attorneys

After an injury or death, you and your family may be trying to figure out how to move forward while coping with what happened. If this injury happened while working in the offshore industry for a company like Chet Morrison, we can help provide guidance and answers. Through our decades of combined experience we have learned how to handle cases against firms operating in the offshore oil and gas industry. Contact our Offshore Injury Dispute lawyers at Doyle Dennis Avery LLP to help you navigate through this complicated process.

Transocean Offshvore Injury Disputes

International Offshore Service Providers

Transocean provides offshore drilling services for international energy companies. The company gained notoriety after a rig they owned and partly manned, the Deepwater Horizon, exploded in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010. Transocean focuses on providing specialized oil and natural gas wells in deepwater worldwide. With rigs in the Gulf of Mexico, Brazil, Canada, Trinidad, Europe, Asia and West Africa, the company owns almost half of the deepwater platforms worldwide. Transocean shifted their headquarters to Switzerland from Houston a few years ago, but still maintains a heavy presence in the Gulf Coast. Injury claims against Transocean require highly skilled attorneys on your side. Doyle Dennis Avery LLP has had success in facing off with Transocean in the past.

Jones Act Case

If you suffer an injury while working on a Transocean offshore vessel, you may be covered by the Jones Act or other applicable maritime law. This would provide you with certain protections, compensation and possibility of recovering more if negligence was involved in causing the injury. Contact our Offshore Injury Dispute trial lawyers at Doyle Dennis Avery LLP to discuss your potential claim with an experienced attorney who can help you understand your legal rights.

Thousands of Workers in Dangerous Situations

Transocean rents it service vessels, personnel and equipment to oil and gas companies around the word. Transocean also employs more than 18,000 specialized workers to operate their floating rigs, jackup rigs, barges and other offshore service vessels. With such a high number of workers in a tough industry, Transocean often places thousands in dangerous positions which can lead to injuries and in some cases death. The injuries and death affect workers wellbeing, but also the financial wellbeing and future of many.