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Jones Act Background
The Jones Act is the US federal law that provides compensation for injured crewmembers onboard “vessels” which includes ships and other offshore installations, such as jack-up rigs, drillships, supply boats, pipelay barges, derrick barges, or towboats. To apply, the worker must qualify as a “seaman”, which means that his work, even if it involves drilling for oil, “contributes to the overall mission” of the “vessel”. The Jones Act also includes requirements for “time” spent on a vessel to qualify as a “seaman”. Some medical and living benefits must be provided regardless of how or why a seaman injured themselves on the job. (Should there be quotes or hyperlinks from quoted words)

The Jones Act provides an injured worker with the right to sue their employers to recover damages. In addition, the Jones Act allows for claims against a “third party” in times of negligence. A successful Jones Act or “third party” claim may allow for much greater financial reward than an average claim. To recognize and successfully litigate a Jones Act or a “third party” claim requires an experienced and skillful maritime attorney. The attorneys at Doyle Dennis Avery LLP focus on “third party” claims having successfully litigated them numerous times.
The lawyers at Doyle Dennis Avery LLP have vast experience in offshore claims and understand numerous federal maritime laws, such as the Jones Act law, that apply to offshore claims. Our Texas firm works every day to help clients across state lines and international borders in their maritime accident claims
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