Offshore Injury Lawyer | Maritime Lawyer | NO WIN NO FEE



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When you've been injured offshore the very first thing you should do every time is follow your company's rules on reporting the injury to your supervisor. Your tool pusher or whatever they require and get medical attention. Oftentimes, we see after the fact if it's not properly documented employers will just say nothing happened about that situation.

Seamen can experience a multitude of injuries on many different vessels, such as drill ships, cruise ships, tankers, cargo ships, dive boats, dredges, barges, tugboats, oil rigs and numerous others. Contact Doyle Dennis Avery LLP today to evaluate your maritime injury claim. Our firm will guide you through the details of your case and identify plans of action to aim for a positive outcome.
We can't emphasize how much it's incredibly important that you report your injury to your supervisor. You have it documented somewhere it's very rare unfortunately that we have a situation where the employer doesn't dispute what happened, how it happened, and whether it actually happened, however, the better documentation following the company's policies that you have of what happened at the time, the easier it is for us to prove your case if it comes down to a jury and a judge making a decision.
Passengers on cruise ships or on holiday expect to have fun and relax. But, the waterways of the world still pose danger for injuries and even death. Cruise ship passengers possess legal protections for reasonable safety standards and their well-being.

Passengers can hold operators liable if the injuries are caused by negligence or willful actions regardless of fault or intent. Even if the operator registers their ship in countries with lax regulations, an experienced attorney may be able to hold them liable for their actions. We have experience in courts across the globe and frequently work with local counsel to provide you incredible expertise.

With our experience in international maritime law, Doyle Dennis Avery LLP can provide you guidance in choosing the correct court and optimizing the chance at recovery when injured away from home.
Maritime law is often complex due to the differing nationalities of vessels, crews, companies and locations of incidents. Various laws across different countries create unique opportunities and difficulties to recovery. With numerous possibilities, filing the case in the most advantageous court allows for the best chance at recovery.

Doyle Dennis Avery LLP has years of experience and skill maneuvering through various webs of international law to establish the best path to recovery for maritime cases. We can counsel you through every step of a claim and use our experience to seek a successful recovery. In international cases, we work frequently with local counsel to give you added experience in the courts we pursue.

If you are an injured maritime worker and concerned with how to proceed with your claim, let us guide you through the claim. We are dedicated to determining the best avenue and legal system for your case.
One of the questions that we get from the very beginning from a lot of clients is “What is my case worth?”. Well here's what I can tell you, no lawyer, no professional, can tell you at the very beginning --without doing the hard work of gathering the evidence, evaluating the witnesses, understanding the medical or injury impacts -- what your case is worth. What we will tell you, is as soon as we gather the evidence, as soon as we put together your case, we'll be able to advise you not just what's the likely jury verdict, but what's the likely settlement range so that you can make the intelligent decision you need to make for you and your family. The real bottom line “what is your case worth” only gets answered by a jury. That's what we're working towards and that's we'll work towards as quickly as we can.
Offshore oil and gas rig workers complete demanding work daily in hazardous situations. The potential for accidents leading to injuries or illness necessitates protections similar to other maritime employees. Employers are required to ensure the rigs are always safe and secure. Rig workers benefit from protections given under the Jones Act or Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act. Compensation is designed to cover injuries suffered while working on rigs.

The Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act provides compensation for workers injured on fixed installations offshore. The Jones Act provides compensation for workers injured on floating vessels. Both work to aid workers recover from their injuries and maintain financial stability. Rig operators must ensure quick and quality medical aid for injuries suffered. Delaying medical care could lead to further issues in the future which the operator can be held responsible for. Once a worker establishes an injury occurs on the job, the employer or insurer should pay the claim unless it has a valid reason not to.
One of the questions that we get from the very beginning from a lot of clients is what is my offshore injury case worth?

Well here’s what I can tell you: no lawyer no professional can tell you at the very beginning without doing the hard work of gathering the evidence, evaluating the witnesses, understanding the medical or injury impacts what your case is worth.

What we will tell you is as soon as the Doyle Dennis Avery LLP lawyers gather the evidence as soon as we put together your case we’ll be able to advise you not just what’s the likely jury verdict but what’s the likely settlement range so that you can make the intelligent decision you need to make for you and your family

The real bottom line what is your case worth only gets answered by a jury that’s what we’re working towards and that’s we’ll work towards as quickly as we can.
Consulting with a lawyer is always confidential, it's privileged, and it's one of the bedrock principles of our legal system. We spend a lot of time and are happy to do so talking to folks who've been injured offshore, members of their family, talking about their choices and options, and what they're facing even before a decision is made whether or not to present a claim or follow a lawsuit. One of the things that we're proud of is when people have questions and don't know which way to turn they can consult to us for free and actually talk to an experienced lawyer. In just this kind of law and get the answers they need to make the right decisions for them their family and it's all done confidential and nobody knows about it because it's privileged.
One of our firm's primary areas of practice includes working in offshore injuries. This includes injuries that occur on oil rigs, on inland barges, on tug and tow boats. What we bring to the table is ability to understand the sorts of actions that an employer should not engage in that oftentimes result in injuries to offshore workers. This includes individuals that are left with contractors who provide inadequate equipment, who don't provide adequate crew, who don't provide the type of training that's required in working and what can be a serious and dangerous environment. What our firm brings to the table is the ability to take those situations, to prosecute a case fully quickly, and to ensure that those cases are ready to go to trial if necessary.