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Doyle Dennis Avery LLP has filed a Jones Act lawsuit against Harley Marine Services Inc. and Starlight Marine Services Inc.

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  • Doyle Dennis Avery LLP has filed a Jones Act lawsuit against Harley Marine Services Inc. and Starlight Marine Services Inc.

Doyle Dennis Avery LLP has filed a case in the United States District Court for the Northern District of California, Oakland Division against Harley Marine Services Inc. and Starlight Marine Services Inc. The suit was filed under a specialized maritime law called the Jones Act and the duty of unseaworthiness under admiralty law and maritime law.

The laws suit seeks to collect monetary damages due to Doyle Dennis Avery LLP’s client to the Jones Act negligence of Harley Marine and Starlight marine and the unseaworthiness of Harley Marine and Starlight Marine’s vessel the M/V Ahbra Franco. The negligence claims are brought under Jones Act and doctrine of unseaworthiness that are available to seaman. These specific claims generally are only available to Jones Act seamen, who are crewmembers in the service of vessel at least 33% of their time at work. The specific incident giving rise to Doyle Dennis Avery LLP’s client’s maritime claim occurred on November 27, 2018. More specifically, on that date, Doyle Dennis Avery LLP’s client was in the stateroom of the vessel, when the M/V Ahbra Franco collided into another vessel, throwing Mr. Wynn from the stateroom to the outer deck. This incident was caused by the negligence and unseaworthiness of the vessel and its crew, as defined by the Jones Act and maritime law, including but not limited to the failure to properly operate and position the vessel, failure to properly supervise or train the crew, and failure to provide a qualified crew fit for the intended purpose of the vessel. Based on this negligence, Mr. Wynn suffered injuries to his back and hips.

Doyle Dennis Avery LLP’s client was employed by Mr. Wynn was employed by Harley Marine Services Inc. and Starlight Marine Services Inc. as a Chief Engineer and regularly assigned to work in its fleet of vessels. As Jones Act seaman, Doyle Dennis Avery LLP’s client is entitled to seek damages for the lumbar spine surgery that is necessary for his injuries and the various other kinds of damages available under Jones Act, unseaworthiness, and general maritime law. Those damages include medical expenses, lost earnings in the past, future lost wages, mental anguish, and physical impairment. In addition, because Doyle Dennis Avery LLP’s client is protected by the Jones Act, he is entitled to maintenance and cure, which are amounts owed on a no-fault basis to compensate for partial lost wages, partial living expenses, and medical bills.

If you have suffered an offshore injury on any navigable body of water or at a dock or during another maritime operation, you may fall under the Jones Act or other admiralty or maritime laws. Please contact the lawyers at Doyle Dennis Avery LLP for an analysis of what particular maritime laws and remedies may apply to your claim at no cost to you.