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Doyle Dennis Avery LLP Vs. Cooper Marine & Timberlands Corp: Alabama Maritime Injury

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  • Doyle Dennis Avery LLP Vs. Cooper Marine & Timberlands Corp: Alabama Maritime Injury

Doyle Dennis Avery LLP has a team of lawyers with experience in bringing maritime and Jones Act cases throughout the United States.  Recently, Doyle Dennis was hired to bring a case in the Circuit Court of Mobile County, Alabama.  The suit seeks damages under the Jones Act, duty of unseaworthiness, and duty to pay maintenance and cure.

The suit alleges that the Defendant, Cooper Marine & Timberlands Corporation, violated the Jones Act, 46 U.S.C. §30104 and the General Maritime Law of the United States.  At the relevant time period, Cooper Marine managed, operated, owned, chartered, controlled and/or navigated the M/V Joe Cain upon the navigable waters of the United States of America.

Doyle Dennis Avery LLP’s client was a deckhand who was engaged in the service of the vessel and was a member of the crew of the M/V JOE CAIN.  On or about November 30, 2020, the vessel was moving barges in Columbus, Mississippi when Plaintiff, while in the service of the vessel, was coupling two barges together and handling “gorilla wires” at the vessel’s captain’s direction. As a result, he was caused to suffer an extreme injury to his back. This injury is permanent. The Plaintiff has suffered and will continue to suffer in the future much physical pain and mental anguish as a result of his injuries.  The Plaintiff has lost time from his work as a result of the injuries, resulting in a loss of earnings and benefits, and as a result of the injuries, his wage-earning capacity has been greatly diminished.  In addition, the Plaintiff has incurred medical expenses in the treatment of his injuries and will incur medical expenses for additional medical treatment in the future.

The suit also specifically outlines the violation of maritime law at issue:

  • The vessel, its gear, equipment, cargo lines, machinery and appurtenances were not maintained in a condition fit for their intended purposes;
  • Cooper Marine negligently failed to maintain the gear, equipment, working spaces, and machinery of the vessel in a safe condition for towing operations;
  • Cooper Marine negligently failed to remedy hazardous conditions existing upon said vessel, which conditions were known to the Defendant, or which should have been known to it in the exercise of reasonable care, and/or the Defendant failed to warn the Plaintiff of said conditions;
  • Cooper Marine negligently failed to protect Plaintiff from hazardous conditions existing in the vessel or its equipment;
  • Cooper Marine negligently directed Plaintiff to perform his work in an unsafe manner;
  • Cooper Marine negligently failed to provide adequate gear, equipment, lines, machinery and appurtenances to enable Plaintiff to safely do his job; and
  • Cooper Marine negligently failed to provide a competent master and crew to the vessel.

Based upon these violations, Doyle Dennis Avery LLP will pursue its client’s claims under the Jones Act and maritime law.  Handling these maritimeoffshore, and Jones Act claims involves intricate legal skills.  Doyle Dennis’s attorneys have spent years honing their skills and knowledge of maritime law.  If you have suffered an injury working offshore on a floating rig, drill ship, tug, or other vessel, contact Doyle Dennis for a no-charge consultation.