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Maritime Injury Lawsuit: Doyle Dennis Avery LLP Vs. Diamond Offshore

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Doyle Dennis Avery LLP has been retained to bring an offshore injury claim, under general United States maritime law and more specifically the Jones Act on behalf of a worker who was injured while participating in an engine overhaul on drill ship vessel. The claim against Diamond Offshore is based in Harris County, Texas.  Diamond Offshore maintains its principal offices in the State of Texas in Harris County. Through their business they direct offshore drilling projects around the world from their headquarters in Houston. Doyle Dennis Avery LLP’s client is a citizen living in Mississippi who works in the offshore drilling industry.

The claim brought under the Jones Act and general United States maritime law is based upon the negligence of our client’s Jones Act employer Diamond Offshore. The claim is also based upon the negligence of the employees, officers and crew of Diamond Offshore; and the condition of Diamond Offshore’s drilling vessel, the Ocean Black Rhino. At the time of the incident, Doyle Dennis Avery LLP’s client was employed as an Oiler and placed as 3rd Asst. Engineer on Diamond Offshore’s drill ship the Ocean Black Rhino. Doyle Dennis Avery LLP’s client was involved in an engine overhaul project on the Ocean Black Rhino at the time of the incident. This project by Diamond Offshore and its crew was handled negligently in numerous ways and those failures and actions directly resulted in serious injuries to Doyle Dennis Avery LLP’s client. Doyle Dennis Avery LLP’s client was instructed to remove the high temperature cooling water manifold on Main Engine #5 which was not properly locked out for this maneuver. As a result, the high temperature water sprayed the face, neck and leg of Doyle Dennis Avery LLP’s client. The client facing the scalding water jumped from the area and attempted to escape by climbing on to the walkway of the upper engine room. As a result of this incident, Doyle Dennis Avery LLP’s client suffered burns from the liquid and a back injury during the physical exertion from the evacuation. Diamond Offshore and the rig management also did not properly document or investigate the incident, even though numerous witnesses were around. In total, Diamond Offshore did not properly supervise or train the crew, failed to properly man the vessel, failed to provide adequate equipment, and was generally negligently operating the vessel causing Ms. Ormond to suffer injuries. Diamond Offshore was responsible for the dangerous and unseaworthy conditions of its vessel. The dangerous and defective condition of the vessel violated general United States Maritime law and unfortunately caused great permanent harm to Doyle Dennis Avery LLP’s client.

The incident resulted in severe disabling and painful injuries to Doyle Dennis Avery LLP’s client a previous healthy, able bodied worker. Doyle Dennis Avery LLP’s client also suffers and will continue to suffer lifelong physical impairment and disfigurement. This incident not only impacted the client physically, mentally and emotionally but also caused Doyle Dennis Avery LLP’s client to sustain a loss of earnings and wage-earning capacity in the past as well as reasonably foreseeable in the future due to the incident. Significant damages are owed to Doyle Dennis Avery LLP’s client under maritime law and the Jones Act.  Under admiralty law, maritime law, and the Jones Act, this injured maritime worker will be entitled to seek lost wages, lost future earning capacity, past and future medical expenses, pain and suffering, physical impairment, mental anguish and other damages.

Maritime workers operating on offshore drilling vessels face numerous dangers and complexities of their job. Their employers understand these risks and dangers and have legal obligations to mitigate the risks and danger in order to provide a safe and reasonable working environment. In this case, Diamond Offshore negligently failed Doyle Dennis Avery LLP’s client in numerous instances resulting in an incident that forever will alter their life. Doyle Dennis Avery LLP’s client because of the nature and severity of the injuries has required medical treatment and in reasonable probability will require additional medical treatment in the future. Doyle Dennis Avery LLP proudly fights for our clients in getting what they deserve. Our success in trial judgements and settlements shows our proven track record of working on behalf of those in the maritime industry. From our main office in Houston, Texas we have decades of experience and success representing maritime workers around the globe operating for American companies often based near and along the Gulf Coast. If you would like to understand your rights protected by maritime law, following an offshore injury, the attorneys at Doyle Dennis Avery LLP can assist in providing a free evaluation of your claim, based upon years of experience and success in representing injured offshore workers under maritime law and the Jones Act.  Call us to discuss your claim and help you fight for what you legally deserve.